Chapter 5: Machine Learning Basics

Machine Learning Tasks

Measuring Performance

For tasks like classification, we can measure the accuracy of the model - which is just the porportion of correct outputs. We evaluate on the test set, which is data we haven’t trained on. We must design good performance metrics.

The Experience

Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Linear Regression Example

Model Capacity, Overfitting, Underfitting

Underfitting & Overfitting


We can add preferences into our learning algorithms. For example, weigh decay we perfer small $w$ by adding on a term to the cost function.

Hyperparameters and Validation dataset

Estimators, Bias, and Variance

Estimator Bias

Variance and Standard Error

Bias-Variance Tradeoff


Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Conditional Log-Likelihood and MSE

The max likelihood estimator can be used to estimate a conditional probaibility $P(y, \mid x; \theta)$ .

Bayesian Statistics

Maximum A Posteriori

While we can make use the full distribution to make predictions, sometimes this is intractable so we still need a point estimate. We can use the maximun a posteriori point estimate wihich choosed the point of max posterior probability.

Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

$k$-means Clustering

Stochastic Gradient Descent

SGD is $O(k)$ runtime instead of $O(m)$ where $k$ is the batch size, and is $k « m$.

Constructing a Machine Learning Algorithm

Challenges Motivating Deep Learning

Manifold Learning